3 reasons to book an engagement shoot | Northern Ireland


Celebrate the moment

Getting engaged is an exciting and special time. It's filled with so much promise and hope for the future. But it's so easy to get overwhelmed by wedding planning and forget to enjoy being engaged. An engagement shoot is the perfect opportunity to escape back into your 'loved up bubble' and forget about everything other than each other for a few hours. I love to plan engagement shoots in locations that feel wild, remote and secluded. For a short period of time you can forget about the rest of the world, relax and enjoy simply being together.


Camera shy

Most people are camera shy. You only have to suggest taking a friends photograph to see the pained expression & the look of panic! I'm guessing that you & your partner are no different and that you are nervous about your wedding photography. That is completely normal! On your wedding day you don't want to be thinking or worrying about photography & you definitely don't want to look back at your wedding photos and feel that you look awkward or uncomfortable. That's why an engagement shoot is an awesome opportunity to get in front of the camera. The shoot will help you relax and show you that photographs are more about how you feel in the moment than how you look. There's no time pressures and you don't have to worry about friends and family watching from the sidelines. It's a great chance to build your confidence & help you feel more relaxed in front of the camera. On your wedding day you want to be present in the moment. To soak up how amazing your partner looks, to laugh with family & friends and not be worrying about a camera.


Get to know your photographer

Part of being relaxed in front of the camera is feeling relaxed in front of your photographer. You can meet your photographer a million times for coffee but to really get comfortable and develop a connection based on trust and confidence you are best to experience how they work. It's cliche but you want to build a relationship, you want them to know a bit about you and for you to know a bit about them. You want to ensure that you feel comfortable working with them and that they can help you relax when you are nervous and help you forget about the camera. Your photographer will probably be closer to you and spend more time with you on your wedding day than your closest family members & best friends. It doesn't matter how amazing their photography is if you feel awkward and uncomfortable it will shine through. Engagement photography is a perfect way to work through the awkwardness and get some beautiful keepsakes.


Winter Wedding Clandeboye Lodge Hotel Northern Ireland


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