Sunflower Adventure | Northern Ireland


On Saturday night I headed off to meet TJ & Aaron from Found Home Films for a sunset adventure shoot in the beautiful sunflower field at 14 Derryall Road, Portadown. It was a stunning summer’s evening without a cloud in the sky, the perfect time for a romantic stroll.

I love couples adventure shoots, whether it’s your first love, a new love or your forever love they are always special. The thing I love most isn’t the adventure, it’s not the beautiful Northern Irish location, it’s the couple. It’s taking the time to talk with you, to get to know a little about you & to tell a piece of your story through my photography.

There are so many elements that make a great photo. The lighting, the location, the angle, the camera settings but to me the most important thing is always the subject, it’s you. It’s the person or people in the photo. It’s how you are feeling & how that feeling is being projected. Shoots always start the same, there’s a nervous energy. You are nervous & I am nervous! But we work through the nerves together. It’s my job to set the tone, to create a safe atmosphere for you to let your guard down & to express yourselves.

Photoshoots are a leap of faith but they are a leap worth taking.


Brides do good


You’ve just got engaged!