10 common wedding day mistakes & how to avoid them.


  1. Only having one wedding day plan

  2. Forgetting what your wedding day is about

  3. Blowing your wedding budget

  4. Letting other people dictate your wedding day

  5. Trying to please everyone

  6. Assume DIY will be cheaper

  7. Planning an Insta worthy day

  8. Not getting enough time with your partner

  9. Running out of time on your wedding morning

  10. Skipping engagement photos

When it comes to your wedding would you rather learn things the hard way or have a plan in place to avoid 10 common wedding mistakes? I know when we started planning for our wedding it was a steep learning curve & we made a few mistakes along the way which could have been avoided! Whether you’re just about to start planning or you’re about to say ‘I do’ check out my 10 common wedding mistakes & tips on how to avoid them.

Only having one wedding day plan

Flexibility has never been more important in wedding planning than for couples getting hitched in 2020/2021. Thousands of brides have had to cancel, postpone or totally redesign their weddings this year & it has really hammered home the need to have a flexible approach to your wedding. When you’re planning it’s great to have a few contingency plans. In Northern Ireland it’s always a smart idea to have a wet weather plan! If you are hoping for an outdoor ceremony it might be as simple as having an indoor backup or a big bunch of umbrellas. In the current climate, guest lists have never been more up in the air so plan ahead, have a small plan ready so if you do suddenly need to downsize you can do so with ease.

wet wedding Northern Ireland

Forgetting what you wedding day is about

It’s so easy to get caught up in the planning & forget that your wedding play isn’t about throwing the biggest, best and most opulent day; it’s about the commitment you are making to one another. It’s that simple. Always keep the ‘why’ at the forefront of your mind & if things aren’t panning out as you’d planned or your budget won’t stretch to your dream dress remind yourself of what’s really important.

wedding day couples portraits Old Rectory Killyman

Blowing your wedding budget

Weddings can get very expensive very quickly so it’s best to have a clear budget that you and your partner are both comfortable with. Once you know your budget make a list of everything that you want & then prioritise all the items. Identify the 5 most important things to you as a couple & get these sorted first. Then work your way down your list & as your budget starts to shrink either look for cheaper alternative or drop off things that aren’t important to you as a couple.

Stunning wedding dress - bridal prep photography

Letting other people dictate your wedding day

Whether it’s a well-meaning friend or family member most couples will encounter someone who wants to take the reins and transform your day. They often want to supersize your plans or they are fixated on traditions and want to push you towards the “the way things should be done”. I know it could be tempting to deal with this by cutting them out of planning or avoid talking to them about your wedding but I’d encourage you to do the opposite, more-so if it is a close loved one. Instead, get them involved but give them little tasks to do so that they feel like they are helping. If you have totally different visions of your day ask them about their own wedding or about their dream wedding & explain how your vision differs & why. You might just find out that they didn’t get the wedding that they wanted & the penny will click that they are trying to railroad you into a wedding that you don’t want. Just remember that they love you & want the best for you!

Trying to please everyone

Everyone has an opinion but rather than worrying about what everyone else thinks or wants, focus on what you & your partner want. Be polite and listen to their opinions & recommendations but don’t be afraid to say ‘thanks but no thanks’ and let them know what you prefer.

Bridal flatly

Assume DIY will be cheaper

Doing it yourself can seem like a cheaper option & in some cases it can be cost effective but that’s not always the case. You need to think about the cost of materials you’ll need, the amount of time it will take & whether you really have that time, if you have the skill or the patience to learn the skill and whether you’ll be content if things don’t turn out quite like you planned. The worst case scenario is you run out of time & end up paying a professional, which could make it even more expensive.

Planning an Insta worthy day

Instagram & Pinterest are great places to look for inspiration; however, once you’ve found things you love & started booking vendors & items, stop looking on Pinterest. If you don’t you’ll start to second guess your choices as you see new or different trends or dress. Find something you love, book it & move on to the next thing. Keep looking forward not backwards.

Groom inspiration

Not getting enough time with your partner

Wedding days are long days but they fly past! Whether you’re planning a big day or an intimate wedding don’t forget to plan time with your partner. A great opportunity to do this is during your photography. Slope off with your partner for a short period of time & just enjoy each other away from the wider wedding day distractions. Your photographer can work away capturing you both as you naturally interact and enjoy some quieter and precious time together, all while you capture beautiful & authentic images.

Relaxed wedding photography Northern Ireland

Running out of time on your wedding morning

Make sure you leave enough time on your wedding morning to get you & your bridal party ready without having a last minute rush or leaving your guests waiting for ages. Listen to your wedding vendors & ask them to help you work out your timeline. Hair & makeup will be able to advise you on how long they need & you can work backwards from your ceremony. Use your wedding vendors to help you plan a timeline & stick to it on the day: from your wedding cars, to your photographer to your venue - we are all here to help.

Bride putting on her veil

Skipping engagement photos

Take time to enjoy the moment. Getting engaged is an incredible time for you & your partner so take time to celebrate it and capture it. It’s best to have your engagement photos done with the photographer you want to capture your wedding. It’s a great time to get comfortable with your photographer & being in front of their camera, to learn how they work & to shake off the nerves before your special day. You want to feel relaxed, comfortable & confident in your wedding photos & a pre wedding shoot is an ideal opportunity to get practice while getting beautiful photos.

Pre-wedding shoot

What to do if it rains on your wedding day


Mourne Mountain Adventure Shoot